The value of your possessions needing insurance and the circumstances of your insurance are crucial to your policy and your details should always be kept updated. If your details are incorrect, you’re putting yourself in a position where you have incorrect policy details. That means, in the unfortunate event of an accident, you are at risk of having complications and pitfalls when filing for an insurance claim. To avoid these unnecessary complications, make sure you understand the importance of updating your policy details and make an arrangement to get them updated as soon as possible.
Not sure when you should update your details? Read on for more helpful information.
When should you update your details?
Make sure you get your policy details updated ASAP if:
- You’ve recently bought something valuable for your home; a new appliance or television
- You’ve had any renovations done to your home; like new flooring, new security system or anything that affects the details of what you have cover for
- You install any upgrades or additional parts in your vehicle
- If you are using your vehicle for business or more regularly
- If someone else is driving your vehicle every day or more often
- If your address has changed
- If you’ve sold something that was insured
These are just some examples of when it’s important to update your policy details. Making sure this information is correct and up to date can save you money, time and increase your chances of having a problem-free claim.
Why should you update your policy details?
If your details are incorrect or you have something new that wasn’t confirmed to be covered when you got your premium, it is not covered at all. This includes moving to a new address. If your vehicle was insured when you had a safe garage behind a security gate, but you no longer have those conditions, you MUST update your details as this will affect a claim negatively in the event of an accident. New items need to be declared and your insurance provider needs to be aware of any new changes or items to ensure they are covered. Failing to keep your details up to date means they are not covered, so they cannot be insured or replaced when filing for a claim. It’s in your best interest to keep your insurance policy details up to date so you can save as much money as possible and get the cover you need in case of an accident.
How to update your policy details?
Updating your policy details with your insurer can be as quick as a simple phone call, a visit to the office or maybe even filling in a form you can submit online. Whichever method you choose, make sure to follow up with a phone call to ensure your details were recorded and you are insured for the cover you need.
We highly recommend you get your insurance policy details updated as soon as possible. If you are filling in a form online, an insurance consultant will give you a call in a few minutes, so make sure you are available to take the call. In the unfortunate event that an accident occurs, you need to have peace of mind that your stuff will be safe and sound. This is the importance of updating your policy details.